Depression Therapy in New York

Sadness. Hopelessness. Stuck.

You don't like life now. You speak to yourself negatively.

The thought of being positive seems impossible for you.

You can't stop thinking about the things that are bringing you down.

Every morning it's a battle to get out of bed. You barely want to brush your teeth. Now you are dreading what this day has in store for you.

You make think:

"What's the point in life anyway?"

"Happiness happens to others; never to me"

"Life is too painful, I don't know if I can go on this way"

If this sounds like you, you could be struggling with Depression.

The effects of depression

Depression affects everyone differently but clients we have worked with have described it as:

"Like a dark cloud following me everywhere"

"Having no interest in doing anything"

"Feeling trapped by negative thoughts"

Some people experience sadness, crying spells, head or body aches, loss or increase of appetite, insomnia/hypersomnia, and irritability.

How Therapy Can Help With Depression

We know it's not easy talking about your problems but after the first session, you will feel like a weight has been lifted. Our therapists are non-biased and non-judgmental.

First, we will help you identify your triggers and show you how to cope when you are triggered so you do not get overwhelmed with emotion.

Then we will identify your most common thought distortions, get to the root of why you are thinking so negatively, and challenge you to make changes that will help your healing.

Therapy can help reduce depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms, if left untreated, can get worse over time.

The transformation can be amazing!

Imagine being able to smile (from the heart) again. Imagine what it would be like if the dark clouds disappeared. Imagine not "bashing" yourself every time you make a mistake.

Imagine having more control of your thoughts. What would life look like for you?

We know how hard it is to reach out for help. It also takes a lot of courage.

If you are ready to start on your healing journey, we are here to guide you along the way.

Our highly-skilled and compassionate therapists are ready to help support you and meet you where you are.

Contact us to schedule a free 15 minute consultation call.

Are you ready to get started?

If you are ready to get your life on track, we are ready to support you along the way.

Our practice and therapists specialize in working with individuals struggling with Depression. We will teach you how to manage your symptoms so you can perform at your best.

Give Us A Call At 917.834.6500 Or Click The Button Below To Get Started Today!



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Free Consultation

We’ll get in touch with you to learn about your unique situation and match you with the right therapist.


Feel Better

We’ll get started with therapy and guide you through this process so you can reach your goals!